Unique and Romantic Proposals from 2020: Our Favorite Engagement Stories

Unique and Romantic Proposals from 2020: Our Favorite Engagement Stories

Unique and Romantic Proposals from 2020: Our Favorite Engagement Stories

Oct 7, 2020by Arden Leone

While some 2020 weddings have been postponed, love was not! We’re serving you all the inspiration from our fabulous clients who popped the question in romantic, unique and thoughtful ways this year. 


At CTWF, we are all about telling your love story through beautiful bridal jewelry and no better way to start that story than from the beginning - with the proposal. After we work with clients to create the ring of their dreams, our team loves to hear all about how they popped the question. 


Read some incredible proposal ideas from our clients for inspiration or for a dose of love and positivity. 


1. We love a traditional proposal. One of our clients described their romantic hike and picnic to the top of a mountain. He poured her a glass of bubbly and read a love letter before proposing. Swoon.


2. Most of our proposal stories take place outside, but one couple took it to the next level. The groom-to-be purchased a vintage compass and suggested going for a hike. As he bent down to tie his shoes, he asked his girlfriend to use the compass to find their next hiking destination. As she opened the box, she opened her ring!
3. A routine weekend trip to her grandparents house turned into a beautiful proposal. This elaborate engagement story had three fabulous layers: She entered the house and roses lined the entryway. Rose petals led her to the bedroom where an evening outfit was waiting for her to change into something a bit more fitting for the evening. A note led her to the backyard which had been strung with twinkling lights and an elaborate picnic. The groom-to-be was waiting on bended knee. Romance on the next level!
4. We were honored to do a custom ring for one groom who had coordinated with us to say that production was running behind. *Wink wink.* When she thought they were going to dinner, he had the Uber driver drop them off at a park where he had a picnic, proposal and her dream ring ready!


5. Returning to a special spot where they had first met, he led his bride-to-be on a moonlit night to that exact spot over the Cumberland River in Nashville. A full moon and a full circle moment for a romantic and memorable proposal.
6. We love when family is involved. One of our favorite proposals happened during a family photo session. The 6 year-old-son, dressed in his best, had the ring and led the proposal for his dad. The best part: The whole family got to be there to witness the special occasion AND a photographer was present. Well done.
7. This proposal got the happy couple’s favorite four-legged-friends involved. The groom-to-be dressed up their dogs in tuxedos and then called them into the house. Who better to deliver a shiny diamond than man’s best friend?


8. We really loved being involved in a top secret proposal ambush! One groom pre-purchased his girlfriend's ring. She came into our Nashville store thinking she was just shopping - but, as she tried on a princess cut white diamond asking “what do you think?” his response was to drop to one knee and propose. Of course, we all toasted the newly engaged couple with a glass of CTWF bubbly.
9. We loved watching a surprised bride-to-be enter our store after her boyfriend had told her they were just going to breakfast and grocery shopping. Instead, he drove her straight to Consider to pick the perfect ring!
10. It’s hard to top a destination proposal. The happy couple thought they were taking a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower, but he slyly asked a stranger to take a video. While she was smiling for the camera - he got down on one knee. 


These stories make us weak at the knees! We consider ourselves bridal experts, so if there’s any wisdom we wish to impart it’s this: Get a photographer! We hear this time and time again, so it begs repeating. You will want this magical moment captured with photographs. Trust us. 


Thank you so much for reading. Check out our engagement ring settings to begin the proposal planning process. And tell us your proposal story in the comments below or pass this list of ideas along to a special someone that might need a little nudge. ;)


  • iGeDNTolWgYJmhRX October 8, 2020 at 1:39 am


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